Red Dead Redemption 2: your map compared to that of GTA V | Photo | Rockstar Games | RDR2 | Grand Theft Auto V | Video games


The well-known Fraghero site has directly compared the maps of the latest titles of Rockstar Games . We are talking about the upcoming release of Red Dead Redemption 2 and Grand Theft Auto V, released in 2013.

If you are wondering about the size of the open world of the new Red Dead Redemption 2, then it may be In this way, you can understand more or less the dimensions we are talking about.

  Red Dead Redemption 2 vs card. GTA V

Only five years have elapsed since the publication of GTA V, Rockstar Games ] has not published any games throughout this time interval. However, this is one of the most successful games of the decade, maintaining a record sales since its release.

One of the most acclaimed elements of Grand Theft Auto V was its detailed and extended map. . And now, in our long awaited RDR2, we can get an idea of ​​

Another particularly interesting point is that it is a title based on the culture of the old west. Precisely in the last years of its validity, when modernity has already invaded much of the western part of the United States and has completely transformed it.

Along with this, it is already known that RDR2 will be one of the video games. more realistic and ambitious in the details of this generation. The official announcement of the arrival on two discs now informs us of the amount of detail it will present in all its substance.

Red Dead Redemption 2 will arrive on October 26 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. the use of two discs, although only one is required for playback once all the content has been installed. To learn more about Red Dead Redemption 2, click here.

 Red Dead Redemption 2 vs GTA V card

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