Registration to receive compensation of $ 7,000 for the collusion of tissue paper


The registration period will be extended by three months. If you do not do the procedure, it will be understood as a waiver of compensation.

The National Consumer Service (Sernac) began with the registration stage so that all people affected by the tissue paper collusion receive the compensatory payment. $ 7,000.

The process must be done by all those who will not receive money automatically, that is to say those who are not beneficiaries of the Social Security Institute ( IPS), nor customers of BancoEstado Products CuentaRut, CuentaCorriente or electronic checkbook.

For this, the Sernac had the page www.micompensació in which people will have to fill a form with their data and choose the way they want to receive the compensatory amount. The sooner you finish the process, the sooner you will have the money.

The requirements? Be 18 years old on May 31 of this year and have a valid ID card.

And know that the period of registration will be extended from 90 days (three months) ending late September, so if the procedure is not done, it will be understood as a waiver of compensation . In this line, any uncollected compensation will be allocated, in a next phase, to the most vulnerable groups of IPS beneficiaries.

According to Sernac's calculations, it is about a universe of about 3 and a half million consumers. must register to withdraw money from August 1st, go to any local CajaVecina, or opt for transfer.

Users can register from any computer, mobile device or mobile phone with internet access. Those who do not have access can go to Biblioredes, ChileAtiende, the offices of Sernac and in about 200 municipalities that have an agreement with the Service.

For their part, consumers who are monthly beneficiaries of the IPS (about 2 million people) or customers of Banco Estado (about 9 million users) will receive the payment of Compensation automatically, without the need for registration, as of August 1st.

Payment dates

The precise deadlines will be determined by the schedules of each of the groups:

IPS Beneficiaries: They will automatically receive the money in the settlement of. August.

] • BancoEstado customers: The money will be deposited in your accounts or checkbooks according to the payment schedule available on and which you can consult below

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"" General public ": Depending on the method chosen, this group of consumers may withdraw the money by going to one of the premises from CajaVecina, until the date indicated during the registration in alphabetical order, in alphabetical order, and will be available until 6 months.
In case of opting for the transfer, the amount will be deposited in the personal account that was indicated within a maximum period. However, the national director of Sernac, Lucas Del Villar, explained that the implementation of the payment is a complex process, reason for which they coordinated with the various public services, "so that consumers, especially the most vulnerable and remote areas, access to compensation.In addition, we took all the security guards for the processing of data and transactions related to the process, "he explained.

"Regardless of the amount, we here claim the right of consumers to a fair and transparent market" Del Villar

The authority pointed out that "it is all about". an unprecedented process both for the amount, about $ 150 million, than for the number of people who will receive this compensation, estimated at about 13 million 300,000 people.


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