Reported taxes increase by 13.6% and requested refunds fall by 10%


Taxes reported in 2018 operating income amounted to US $ 15,313 million, an increase of 13.6% over the previous year's process, while Refunds requested for taxes decreased by a 10%

Results were announced by Fernando Barraza, Director of the Internal Revenue Service (SII), and Ximena Hernndez, new Chief of the Treasurer General of the Republic .

In net terms, this is the difference between what is claimed as a refund minus what is paid, showed a negative balance of US $ 1,072 million, lower than the projection of the US $ 392 million Public Finance Report. October 2017, see the IIC report. Seen like, there will be a better result than expected. However, according to projections presented on July 10 to the Joint Budget Commission, the projections made in the October 2017 report considered a positive net cash amount in this year's Renta Operation. This contrasts with the result obtained

The usual thing is that the net financial result is negative in the lease transaction each year because it is a balance, says Barraza. In this process, taxpayers report taxes paid the previous year and claim the refund of surpluses and there are also taxpayers who are responsible for payments.

The returns requested this year were over $ 3,612 billion, 10% less than the previous year, 25% less in the case of large taxpayers. The amounts paid exceeded $ 2.95 billion, 7% more than in 2017, which, in the case of large corporations, is 32% higher.

The increase in reported taxes is mainly explained by first clbad tax of the 10 large private mining companies badociated with the 26.8% increase in the average annual copper price in 2017 and the additional tax performance in the same segment. Large mining companies reported taxes in this lease transaction for the equivalent of $ 1,041 million, compared with $ 621 million the previous year, and $ 11,682 million for other companies, compared with $ 10,709 million in 2017.] Barraza said it was premature to evaluate the results of the tax reform, the collection of which will be less than projected. Everyone has his role and that of the tax administration is to apply the tax standard, not to do badessments, this corresponds to the Treasury and Budget Branch, which prepare the financial reports, added [19659007] [ad_2]
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