Reports of Sexual Abuse Mark the FEUC Elections


Reports of badual abuse of some candidates mark the elections of the Federation of Students of the Catholic University (FEUC) which ends Wednesday with five lists competitors.

The main accusation is against the presidential candidate of the President of the Republic. Movimiento Gremial Ignacio Palma and was conducted by an anonymous student who recounts the fact of a badual badault allegedly committed in 2015 during the annual vacation "Toby and Lulu ".

The student stated that at this meeting she had been pressured for her to drink alcohol with an unknown substance . The complaint was published Tuesday on the social network Facebook, but it was later downloaded.

Palma defended himself against the accusation in a video broadcast on social networks, in which he announced that he would declare himself so that an investigation proves his innocence .

" I am so sure that it is a montage, that it is a lie, that I will declare myself before the General Secretariat (of the CU) to verify that it's a lie, because I have nothing to fear, "said the Gremialista candidate.

The External Coordinator of the UC's Secretariat for Gender Equality and Sexuality, María Jesús Acuña, explained that "we have not received a complaint" for this case, but " we tried to get in touch through the anonymous page that she did, but unfortunately that did not pay off. "

" They do not hesitate to denounce themselves same as they know that they are going to leave "innocent" because a complaint is delayed by eight years to come in. After eight hours, which woman will have evidence of badual abuse? How are we waiting for that? will obviously denounce himself so that he is innocent and that his dignity is not tainted, "said the leader.

To this accusation adds a complaint for badual badault lodged against Eduardo Milla candidate vice-president of the list Surgencia (related to the Broad Front and the Communist Party), which was ruled out Tuesday evening of the process by his group.

Reveal the Mail with Misogynous Messages ]

Also, on Monday, October 22, also filtered an email inviting men to join this party and containing a series of "commands of the Chilean trade unionist".

misogynistic phrases, such as "novice rapist", "throwing himself into the towns", "coming out of the dancing mines seizing his poto and his tits" and "refining the younger sister" Left leaders.

Confirmation of the guild movement or the veracity of the e-mail filtered invitation and badumed responsibility through a public statement, asking for forgiveness and ensuring that the publisher of the email was not linked.

In this context, various women's groups and feminist groups arrived on Tuesday afternoon until in front of the Central House of the UC to demonstrate against Culture". rape. "

" We will continue to shout, we will continue to denounce and, in a hypothetical case, if the trade union movement reaches the second round, it will surely not be easy ]said the external coordinator of the Secretariat for Gender Equality and Sexuality of the CU

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