Representatives of Liceo Amunátegui Interpose Protective Resource


As announced during the week, lawyers from Amunátegui High School came before the courts to appeal against the decision of the Mayor of Santiago, Felipe Alessandri, to end the school year, decree closing the campus by this year and relocate students to Gabriel González Videla High School.

According to what was stated by the municipal authority to the media, about 700 students are to be displaced because of the damage to the institution after the fire that occurred in a knock.

However, as reported Radio Cooperativa, the representative of the lawyers, lawyer Julia Urquieta, revealed that there are still no administrative acts that determine the closure of the school, for which they imposed an injunction not to innovate.

"They only heard about this relocation by the press.It should be noted that there is no administrative act of the municipality that determined the closure of the municipality. establishment, nor why it was determined, "he said

adding that they were asking for" an injunction not to innovate ". the mayor's measure of closure of the establishment, we request the reopening of the establishment. "

He also noted that," on the other hand, we also ask that the measure which delocalizes these students in this high school Gabriel González Videla be canceled, it is for us the most important measure which is requested in the order of not innovating. "

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