Researchers say that they found the largest dinosaur footprint


About 150 million years ago a long-necked giant dinosaur pbaded through what is now American soil and left behind the by scientists as the largest footprint ever discovered .

Found under a bunch of tail bones, the imprint is about a meter long and would be a brachiosaurus a herbivore of the group of sauropods, according to data published in the journal Peer J.

It is "an exceptionally large foot, larger than the elements of the other bones of the feet of known sauropods" ] affirmed to the AFP Anthony Maltese of the Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Resource Center in Woodland Park, in the state of Colorado, in the western United States.

"I am often asked what is the largest, the longest or any other superlative that concerns dinosaurs, which has always existed, and in this case, I can now give an answer" he continued.

To get an idea of ​​the size of the animal that left its mark on Wyoming soil, ] his femur measured 2.07 meters . Although is not the largest dinosaur, according to scientists.

"There are incomplete skeletons in Australia and Argentina that appear to come from much larger animals, although these gigantic skeletons have been found without feet" explains Emanuel Tschopp Department of Paleontology, Museum of Natural History, United States.

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