Resignation of Boris Johnson, UK Minister of Foreign Affairs – 07/09/2018


With the resignation at midnight of David Davis as secretary of Brexit, was added the resignation of Boris Johnson, the British Chancellor. British Prime Minister Theresa May faces the most dangerous day for her political survival since she lost her parliamentary majority. Boris, aspiring to replace her, has deep differences with the negotiation for divorce with the European Union and can trigger its downfall. Hard Brexiters' rebellion is underway

Boris Johnson, the eccentric chancellor and Brexit ideologue, resigned for not agreeing with the flexible Brexit that Theresa May imposed on her ministers on Friday. Ladies spiritual, his country house. He spent the morning organizing his boxes at the Foreign Office and leaving the official home of Carlton Gardens, where he lived. He is already gone.

With the resignation of Johnson and his aspirations to replace him in his office, a parliamentary challenge to his leadership is hiding, organized by the hardest of Brexitiers, who must approve the 1922 Committee, which inducted

  Boris Johnson leaves this morning from 10 Downing Street. AFP

Boris Johnson comes out this morning from 10 Downing Street. AFP

May replaced David David, special forces and special forces veteran, by Dominic Raab, a furious skeptic of the euro in his cabinet, while trying to contain the rebellion and disenchantment of Brexit. If she breaks with the hard line of Brexit, she has to rely on Labor to get her legislation through now.

Boris has always wanted to be Prime Minister, opposed Friday in retirement in the soft Checkers al Brexit planned in May and his resignation was expected, even before that of David Davis. If he wanted to have a political future, he had no choice but to leave Theresa May's cabinet.

  Boris Johnson, the eccentric Chancellor and Brexit ideologue, resigned because he did not agree with the Soft Brexit imposed by Theresa May. AFP

Boris Johnson, the eccentric chancellor and ideologue of Brexit, resigned for not agreeing with the Soft Brexit imposed by Theresa May. AFP

With these two resignations, the big question is now the following dramatic film by the weakest of British prime ministers. I could face an immediate vote of confidence. The presence of Prime Minister Theresa May is expected in the House of Commons now

This monumental and at the same time theatrical political crisis in Britain occurs when US President Donald Trump arrives in the kingdom Thursday ] and he plans to meet Queen Isabel and the prime minister, though he is still in power. All amidst strong protests Friday against his presence.

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