Rick and Morty will make a Fallout 76 stream


We are a few days away from the release of Fallout 76 and Bethesda has been betting hard for the promotion of the new opus of its famous franchise. Taking advantage of the popularity of the jets and the fact that the game lends itself well to players to live and tell their adventures in West Virginia, Bethesda and the Ader sports agency staged a show featuring characters from the cartoon Rick and Morty as well as the Ninja streamer and the rapper Logic.

Through a press release, the Ader Agency announced that on Thursday, November 8 at 9 pm Eastern Time. and Mexico City, a stream of Fallout 76 will be presented in which Rick and Morty, the popular banner of Fortnite Tyler "Ninja" Blevins, will meet. and rapper Logic. This event will mark the first time that characters from the world of animation are integrated into a gaming session with real people at the moment of the stream. The best news is that the audience will be able to interact with everyone during the broadcast. The stream is visible on official Bethesda channels on Twitch and Mixer, as well as on the official Xbox channel on Mixer.

Wubba lubba dub dub! Watch @adultswim @rickandmorty play # Fallout76 out of @Xbox One with @Ninja ] @ Logic301 ! Tune @Twitch and @WatchMixer .

Unless you have ants in your eyes. Then listen maybe.
https://t.co/Gflwsk08Yp pic.twitter.com/K16VpECqQT

– Fallout (@Fallout) November 2, 2018

On this subject, Justin Warder, CEO of Ader, said: "We are delighted to offer the fans of Rick and Morty the opportunity to interact with these iconic characters of life when they join Ninja and Logic in the first Experience Fallout for multiple players. "The gaming audience is interested in new and unique ways to connect with their favorite players. So we focus on creating experiences for our brand and our publisher partners not only highly engaged, but also creatively expanding the boundaries. "

Fallout 76 will arrive November 18 on PS4, Xbox One and PC. You will find on this link all information related to the new installment of the franchise.

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