Rio Bueno Fire Commander: "We could have a fire of proportions up to the corner"


LABOCAR investigates the causes of the accident which, at dawn, destroyed four stores

Four local losses and millionaires, was the balance of the fire that broke out at 3 am this Sunday, in the heart of the city of Río Bueno.

The commander of the fire department, Cristián Monsalve, explained to the media the difficulties they had to face to control the incident. "When the first machines arrived, we could see that the cafe or restaurant behind us (Oma) was burning all the way inside," he said.

"These old mansions have gone out of their way. huge roofs, which are connected towards the back. Calle Comercio, "he continued:

He defended the plan that he organized to contain the expansion of the fire." If we had not attacked from the back, we would still have Comercio Street with fire, "he said before consulting," if we are looking for the fifth or sixth leg of the cat, we will catch thousands of errors, but It is true that the fire was circumscribed, otherwise we would have had a fire of proportions up to the corner of the street.

The fire chief mentioned a lack of taps in the area, which would have resulted in a gradual loss of pressure. to use a La Union and Crucero fire engine to serve us, in case of further emergency in the city, and a tank car from the San Pablo fire department. "

Product of the accident, they were destroyed four stores located at Calle Esmeralda 1053: the restaurant Oma (located in the house Becker) and the adjacent businesses of Chilexpress, Shopería owned by Diego Flores and the bookstore Mundo Joven

In the case of the Rio Bueno public prosecutor, Sergio Fuentes, representatives of the Police Cartoon Laboratory (LABOCAR), who were experts in the region, took samples to determine the causes of the crime. 39; incident which had started informally at the restaurant.

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TAGS: good river

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