Río Bueno: The fire consumed at least four shops in the historic district


Four commercial premises were destroyed by the action of the fire after a fire declared this morning in the historic district of Río Bueno District Los Ríos region.

in the corner of the streets Comercio and Esmeralda, in front of the Plaza de Armas of the municipality, mobilizing the entire fire department, supported by volunteers from the city of Crucero, the municipality of San Pablo and La Unión. [19659002] Marcos Rodriguez third commander of the Bomberos de Río Bueno, explains that "there are two places that are most affected: a restaurant and a bookstore of Chilexpress and ] a mini-supermarket that were affected ".

In the fight against the flames, one of the volunteers suffered minor injuries and was transferred to Río Bueno Hospital.

Firefighters work on the removal of debris and study the causes of the incident with the objective to determine whether there has been involvement of third parties.

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