Risk funds fell in the first half: What to do?


The riskiest pension funds, A and B, experienced significant declines in the first half of the year.

Currently, more than 2 million 800,000 Chileans have their savings in funds A and B, which are in particular, in the first half, multi-currency bonds riskier, more exposed to equities, fell by more than 2, 7% in the case of type A and 1.7% The C, meanwhile, showed a slight contraction of 0.78%.

For its part, the most conservative funds show positive returns, because of the positive results of investments in local debt securities and foreign fixed income securities

Why A, B and C dropped?

The decline in copper had a considerable impact on the performance of these funds.

Trade tensions in the world because of the series of protectionist measures from the United States to other countries it is and vice versa have generated that the red metal has arrived at the beginning of this week, at its lowest value since the end of March, falling by $ 3 per pound

What to do about it? [19659006] Executive Director BrainInvest, María Eugenia Jiménez, re-launched that "people who are not in their risk profile or who are very nervous, make a change one step below."

And he explained it as follows: "If I have all my money in a C-type fund, it's good that half of your money goes to fund D, or if it's Is in A, to change to B, or to make a combination with these funds, but leave end-to-end is not advisable. "

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