S / 43 million transferred for work in the port of Ilo and airports | Economy


By a supreme decree, the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) authorized the transfer of 10 million soles to the National Company of Ports (Enapu) in order to finance the execution works in the Port of Ilo in Moquegua

Similarly, the MEF transferred 33 million soles to the Peruvian Corporation of Airports and Commercial Aviation (Corpac) for to finance the works of the airports of Cusco, Ilo and Moquegua . Both transfers were made within the budget of the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

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The resources of the financial transfers can not be used, under the responsibility, for different purposes for which they are transferred, informs the document bearing the signature of President Martín Vizcarra.

The same regulation provides for an increase in the spending limit on goods and services for the National Superintendency. of higher education in university education (Sunedu ).

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