S Attending the disturbingly rising sexually transmitted infections among youth and adolescents


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"We can not ignore that STIs have increased over the last period, especially among youth and adolescent groups," said Rosa Madrid, head of epidemiology at Health Serami, who led the training on badually transmitted infections. more than 150 professionals in the healthcare network to update the detection, treatment and notification of this type of pathology.

The objective of this activity is the preparation of a care network with detailed information on badually transmitted diseases, clinical terms and epidemiological surveillance system.

This topic was presented for the first time by the head of epidemiology of the Seremi de Salud, midwife Rosa Madrid, who stressed the need to train professionals Sometimes they perform a rotation or training that They get undergraduate is not enough and they make diagnoses that are not adequate. "

Asi He also pointed out that in terms of badually transmitted diseases" we can not ignore that in the last period, STIs have increased, especially among youth groups and # 39; teens. Although it should not be denied that they belong to an economic segment or a particular age group, they will give more, but today they are more interested in the labor force. " 19659003] Be that as it may, the professional states that these infections are present in any stage of life: "STIs are often linked to living an unprotected bad life and, like teenagers care about pregnancy but not STIs, the elderly are often at no risk of pregnancy, they forget this other situation. "

During this training, clinical blocks were created, allowing badysis of the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of chlamydia and gonorrhea, as well as hepatitis B and C; Syphilis in the general population and condylomatosis, herpes, trichomoniasis, and contagious molluscs

Other topics discussed included the epidemiological profile of STIs, laboratory techniques for STI research, prevention of vertical transmission of HIV, and conbad syphilis, prevention of vertical transmission, hepatitis B, vaccines in the context of STIs and, lastly, reference to the prevention of STIs – role of UNACESS

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