S & P maintains Chile's credit rating and highlights the importance of stabilizing public finances



The international agency Standard & Poor's Global Ratings (S & P) maintained yesterday its long-term sovereign credit ratings in foreign currency "A +" and in local currency " AA- »Chile. The company confirmed the stable outlook, and did the same with the short-term note of "A-1" and the local currency of "A-1 +". Similarly, the transfer and convertibility risk badessment for Chile was "AA"

which is in line with the expectation of a continuity of economic policy over the three years following. "We hope that the country will maintain the distinctive pillars of its market economy (fiscal and monetary rules, openness to trade and investment, judicial security and predictability) while strengthening its social policies," he said. a report. 19659003] The report also predicts a stable impetus for product growth, the moderation of current account deficits and a low level of inflation that stabilizes public finances and its external profile.

Overall, S% P noted that the rating could be lowered if a combination of an unexpectedly good fiscal policy and an expansion of the business was below its expectations, resulting in higher budget deficits than expected.

"A substantial and prolonged weakening of public finances would lead to a deterioration, as well as the unexpected deterioration of Chile's net external position or a substantial increase in its gross external financing needs could weaken its external profile, which would also entail a decline in ratings. "

On the contrary, he argued that if economic diversification persists and strengthens the country's resilience, its foreign vulnerabilities could be gradually reduced. "A better external profile of Chile could lead us to increase ratings over the next two to three years," he said

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