Safety commission establishes pilot plan for police to separate tasks


For more than two hours, the Public Safety Agreement Commission, headed by the Ministry of the Interior, met for the last time. In La Moneda, the 18 members of the organization have settled each of the proposals that will be presented this Friday to President Sebastián Piñera, where the separation of functions between the carabinieri and the PDI appears as a key point.

Three months, he counted with the participation of parliamentarians of Chile Vamos and the opposition, former ministers and representatives of the public prosecutor's office. The goal was to work on improving state security policies.

The result of the committee was translated into four reports, which were divided by field of work: police surveillance, changes in the intelligence system, role of municipalities and arms control. Among all these articles, there are about 130 proposals

La Tercera accepted the latest project on police surveillance, dated June 27, which contains 65 initiatives. This is divided into four chapters: Specialization of Police Functions; police relationship with civil authority and citizenship; increase the levels of police professionalization and professionalization of the police organization.

In the proposal, the project's number one is set to put into practice a model where the carabinieri permanently abandon the work of investigation by focusing solely on the preventive. police entity in charge of investigations.

The document states that the Ministry of the Interior will establish a technical commission with the police and the prosecution. This will aim at carrying out a diagnosis of the current situation of police duties, which should be ready before 16 months.

This instance will have two steps. The first, as stated in the project, will be "the realization of a pilot plan of specialization of police functions, which will be carried out in one or more regions of the country, where for a limited space of time will preferably be located the survey function in the PDI and the preventive function in Carabineros.This will allow the collection of data, statistics and real and useful background to evaluate the results of the current situation and the operation of the pilot plans. "

According to the sources of the commission, this proposal, until the afternoon of this Thursday, it remained firm and only the approval of President Piñera remains. The project also establishes that with the information obtained in the pilot, "recommendations will be made regarding the redistribution of investigation functions among the police, all with the aim of optimizing the use resources and, in general, to improve the investigative capacity of the police and give the carabinieri a preponderant role in prevention. "

All this will end with the development of 39, a final plan for reallocation of police functions and resources. The idea of ​​separating the functions between the two police officers is an intention which, since the badumption of President Piñera, has been defined as a priority. The same, even, has demonstrated on different occasions the general director of Carabineros, Hermes Soto.

The RN deputy, Gonzalo Fuenzalida, said the initiative "it seems good to me, because when in Chile the radical changes are made without trying them before, they usually do not work, like this It is produced with the Transantiago, contrary to what was done with the reform of the criminal procedure, where it was first tested in the regions and then began to be implemented at the same time. Here we have to do the same. "

For his part, former Interior Minister Jorge Burgos said that" a regional pilot is proposed to differentiate the preventive role of the researcher We have chosen this proposal because the subject requires a trial.A total decision would be high risk, based on the historical pattern with which it has worked for decades. "

Other Proposals

The role of the Ministry of the Interior da The control and control of the police appears as a fundamental pillar of the agreement. Thus, they are invited to submit to greater control by civil society.

Interior Minister Andrés Chadwick explained to La Tercera that "there are proposals regarding the reform of our police control and management. (There are also initiatives) the question of the modification of the intelligence service, in terms of the participation of civil society, and in particular of the municipalities, in the work of citizen security, and in the matter of the arms control law, to modernize our current legislation. "

one of the points, it is proposed that the carabinieri and the PDI present "a strategic plan for the development of the police (PEDP) with an horizon of eight years, which can be evaluated and updated at least every four years." These plans must be approved by the Interior and informed to Congress.

The police are also asked to show "a system of indicators of activity, efficiency and results, consistent with the PEDP and approved by the Ministry of the Interior. "

Another supervised area, now by the Under-Secretary of the Interior, will be the financial area. According to the draft, it will be entitled to "exercise budgetary control, financial and effective merit on the investments and expenditures of the forces of order and public security".

In addition, the requirements to enter the schools will be increased "

The former Minister Burgos pointed out that the commission" reflects, on the one hand, a transversal spirit and favors the search for " 39; agreements. There are many proposals, if I have to point out one, I would choose the Interior Ministry's authorization, with the aim of ending the unjustified areas of police autonomy. "

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