Salmon Salmon puts cold rags to the Marine Harvest Salmon Escape


As an unfortunate fact, SalmonChile has described the Salmon Escape that Marinne Harvest has known that exceeds 200 thousand units. "This is an unfortunate fact, unprecedented for the industry and we hope that the actions taken by the affected company will yield good results.It is obvious that we are concerned and in constant communication with the company. authority and the company to know the details of this accident, as well as the recovery of the fish, "explained Arturo Clément, president of SalmonChile AG

. to the dimension of the disaster, since he explained that according to figures from the National Fisheries Service, the number of fish that escape annually is low, less than 1% of the total fish farmed. "Considering these official statistics, one can conclude that the case that affected this company is exceptional and timely," he said.

Clement clarified that among the main causes of escapes are wolf attacks on agricultural centers; adverse weather conditions; and steal the salmon from the cages.

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