Samsung App sends your private photos without permission


USA.- The pre-installed email application on Samsung phones sends private photos – those stored in the phone's memory – to the owner's contacts. It also does this by SMS and without asking for prior permission.

The error, which seems to affect in particular Galaxy S9 and Galaxy Note 8, is reported by several users in the Reddit forums. Many of them suspect that the incorrect sending of photographs has occurred after a recent update of the Samsung 'message' application, the hypertext said on his website .

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There does not seem to be any reason that triggers the error in the application. In fact, the application "Samsung" messages does not even record the sending of these photographs to the contacts of the owner.

The cause of the error has not yet been revealed, although, given reports issued by users, Samsung already work in a solution.

Meanwhile, the best way to avoid the wrong sending of photos is to disable the application of Samsung messages, something that can be done in the settings of the device himself. Instead, apps like "Android Messages", developed by Google, can make up for their lack.

Lost users

In recent months, the iPhone has rebounded in the market, but it does not affect new models, it's the mid-range that dominates the market once again , since Android users, are opting to buy old Apple phones to replace their current phones, including many Samsung.

Although the market trend is that Apple is starting to gain ground in the mid-range, that does not mean that Samsung is losing a lot of customers as it has reported some excellent sales with its new Galaxy S9 terminal, despite the problems presented in this note. 19659010] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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