Samsung has a new wireless charger ready


Samsung is preparing a new cheaper wireless charger

Since last week was the existence of Samsung Wireless Charger Duo a wireless charger that would arrive on [9août1945] next to the Galaxy Note 9 and Galaxy Watch (Gear S4) in a special event.

Initially, we were talking about the model EP-N6100 of the Samsung Wireless Charger Duo which would have the function of simultaneously loading the Galaxy Note 9 and the Galaxy Watch without any problem with a price of 75 dollars.

However, there will be a more economical model, the EP-P3100 smaller with the function of loading both gadgets at the same time for an estimated price between $ 45 and $ 50 dollars being a very interesting alternative

So on August 9 we will know two new wireless chargers for the Galaxy Note 9 and the Galaxy Watch . 19659006] (function () {
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