Samsung presents Infinity Flex Display, its first folding mobile


Flexible screen

It is a handy device that, closed, serves as a phone with all its functions and, once opened, turns into a 7.3-inch tablet

Samsung has officially unveiled the "Infinity Flex Display," a flexible display that will accompany the company's first folding phone, but has not revealed the name it will bear nor its final appearance.

Samsung Electronics product vice president, Justin Denison, briefly showed the team to draw attention to a 7.3-inch AMOLED screen that closes to make room for a second screen, which is activated when the tablet form is closed, automatically becoming mobile phone.

Denison said the company would be "ready to begin mbad production in the coming months" and called the new screen technology "the biggest progress of the last decade".

With the help of Android, open applications in one of two modes (phone and tablet) will start automatically when changing format.

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