Samsung releases the TV with its new invisible connection –


Lima, Peru .- For decades, television has been a static object, intended to be located in a room or room, and without much opportunity to move from one space to try to hide the tangle of cables at the back. However, today, television has the opportunity to be an agile and dynamic device, with the ability to locate anywhere and move when it suits us. This is how Samsung managed to make these unsightly cables disappear and make it one: the One Invisible Connection, eliminating clutter, giving a much cleaner look to the space where we place the TV.

The first of its kind
In 2013, Samsung introduced the first cable management solution called One Connect Box, which operated as a small box or hub where all devices were connected to the television. This box could be placed away from the TV, and / or hidden, achieving a much greater aesthetic by reducing the visibility of the cables. Based on this development, in 2017, the company showed the Invisible Connection, a very thin single cable that transmitted audio, video and data. This year, Samsung unveiled the evolution of One Invisible Connection: a new invisible connection that integrates everything, video, audio, data and energy.

This solution is the result of listening and Samsung's constant concern for its consumers, as well as always bet on innovation. This year, while developing the new version, the company came to the conclusion that people were twisting and molding cables to hide a current. Taking this into account, it was possible to integrate everything into a single cable, which undoubtedly becomes fundamental to increasing the freedom needed to locate the TV. In this way, the Samsung QLED 2018 TVs have been released restrictions, because with the One Invisible Connection of 5 meters long, connected to the One Connect, can be placed anywhere, avoiding the exhausting process of 39, organizing and hiding the rest

User safety is paramount
The One Invisible Connection has also raised some user concerns regarding safety in the case of small children and pets. That is why, taking these considerations into account, Samsung has undertaken the important task of designing an ultra-thin cable that allows, safely, high-voltage transmission.

User safety is the company's top priority in any situation. By focusing on managing and reducing various security risks, they have developed a new technology: a protection circuit that cuts off power in the rare case of overheating.

Similarly, Samsung has been approved by Underwriters Laboratories (UL), which guarantees the safety of One Invisible Connection. The certification process itself was difficult because there were no pre-existing standards for measuring the new development against. In fact, Samsung has created a new standard

First Impressions
Solving the defects of traditional cables, the developers of One Invisible Connection have paid special attention to consumer preferences. During their home visits, they also got information on their perception of cable thickness.

As the product became a hybrid cable containing power and data lines, Samsung improved its durability by exchanging materials. Major changes include changing the Kevlar to Teflon cable material more durable on the outside.

Given the growing trend of consumers looking for greater comfort with their products, the ability to maximize motion is the future of television design. Samsung hopes that it will soon be the norm and that people will be able to move them anywhere at home.

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