San Borja Scandal: Santelices Announced Comprehensive Investigation Due to Non-Compliance with Cancer Patients AUGE


More than 160 women in the last two years have received chemotherapy to treat bad cancer, outside of the norm. It is for this reason that the Minister of Health, Emilio Santelices, said this morning that the events "are of the utmost gravity" and that a "comprehensive investigation must be conducted to establish the presence of responsibilities and, above all, check the above ". protect affected patients and improve clinical practices. "

According to a report published Friday by El Mostrador, doctors at the San Borja Arriarán Hospital noticed last year that something was wrong when they administered chemotherapy to Breast cancer patients: Instead of receiving strong drugs to cope with the disease, the central venous route, they have always received the drug by the way.This not only meant that it was more painful for patients, but also the medical decision is out of the protocol of Trough, benefits guaranteed by the law and for which, in addition, the patients disburse the money at the time of taking care of the co-payment. [19659002] Daniel Valenzuela, vice-president of the medical section of San Borja Arriarán Hospital confirmed to El Mostrador that last year they informed the authorities of the situation that had arisen thanks to l & # 39; Wng Dr. David Villena, Chief of the CDT. He realized that the protocol of Trough was not fully respected and insisted that regulations be introduced. "The explanation given by the hospital authorities and the chief of oncology is that there is a catheter, which there is no human ability to install them and the hours of the flag.The device exists, what is lacking is the operational capacity, "explained Valenzuela.

Valenzuela also indicated that the product of anxiety, they had a meeting with the chief oncology doctor to understand the repercussion that could have on the recovery of patients and the response that they have. they received explains a series of drawbacks that could, in the long run, affect the treatment. "In oncology, they say that the central venous catheter is safer, more comfortable and has fewer complications.In the private sector, in fact, it is used in about 100% of cases, but this way is not used here.Although they explained that the drug is the same in terms of quantity or dose, they also explained that the peripheral catheter (the one they chose to use compared to the catheter central venous) has a technical problem: patients must be hospitalized for each cycle, so patients must wait each time for a new cycle and a new hospitalization quota, if this is not the case, treatment is exceeded, "said Valenzuela, who also acknowledged that doctors are facing a strong ethical dilemma because they finally decide to apply the trough to treat patients, even if this is done "as far as possible. From the possible thing. "

MP Gabriel Silber (DC) indicated that next week will be writing to the Comptroller to review the situation and also why the second lender was not used, as well as the law 19659006] <! – Download the attached document of this news ->

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