Santiago Pavlovic questions the transparency of the chairman of the board of TVN | TV and show


By a letter sent to the newspaper El Mercurio, Santiago Pavlovic criticized the chairman of the board of TVN, Francisco Orrego.

This, after a report was leaked a few days ago from the TVN controller's office that reported various irregularities in the contracts of the important leaders of the television station.

"There is growing doubt about Orrego's transparency. He still does not respond to something very simple: did he filter or not falsely and illegally filter an internal document from the chain? ", says the communicator

In the letter, the communications professional adds that" Orrego "is not done either loaded with an indestructible story: since the restoration of the Democracy, TVN was led by binominal yearbooks with the presence of "sensitivities" of center-left and center-right. "

" All important resolutions on programming, frames and faces that hire, had a transversal support in boards of directors " did he say.

  Santiago Pavlovic in Gaza | TVN
Santiago Pavlovic in Gaza | TVN

" In major decisions, directors were generally d & # 39; agreement. Therefore, in the administration of TVN, the main political currents have participated and the right can not claim innocence nor look aside, "he said.

"He has always participated in the binomial yearbooks of TVN. Although he is not recognized, perhaps in this policy of agreements was the root of many successes and also some setbacks " he stressed.

Remember that a few days ago, Pavlovic had already expressed his dissatisfaction. high wages perceived by some faces of the chain.

According to the professional, the executive director, the leaders and the "faces" should not receive any remuneration "superior to that of the president of the Republic or the parliamentarians".

"And we are talking about revenues of nine million which, measured with any parameter, are of high pay and are those currently receiving less than one per cent of Chileans," he said at that moment. .

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