Sastre warned against the effect of Nation's adjustment on each of the municipalities



While national authorities are still talking about the adjustment that will be made to the provincial accounts next year, municipalities are beginning to warn of the impact that the government is facing. private activity may have on the private sector and

07/21/2018 02:00

The Mayor of Puerto Madryn, Ricardo Sastre, is one of those who came out to rule. "The impact will be negative.With a crisis situation at the provincial level, coupled with an extraordinary cut in Patagonia will complicate the province, the concern is great and there is no reactivation with policies to strengthen to maintain local businesses, we will find a situation "

In dialogue with FM Tiempo Trelew (91.5), Sastre considered that" if this adjustment is not reconsidered that comes from Nation, I will see difficult in terms of work, it is alarming and this cut will affect the private sectors, and the public job-generating job. "

The communal leader maintained that there is a permanent contact with the municipalities of the Valley and the County to deal with current problems

"We try to keep in touch with colleagues about different realities. Working in a consensus table with national legislators so that it is in the same objectives is an important task that the governor will seek to pursue. There is no other way to work together so that Chubut can withstand moments of crisis in the province. "

He stated that" we are managing permanently, we do not have good answers. At Madryn we had the continuity of Procrear and some management for the replacement of led luminaires. So, at the sight of the double track, the truth is that we submitted projects for more than 2,000 million pesos before the Nation and we had no response. "

He insisted that" the negotiations are not due to the lack of presence Let's The truth is that I see that there are many works in other parts of the country that we do not see here. It is to see the reality and the truth that worries us because Patagonia contributes a lot to the national coffers and that we are not considered from other regions is a disturbing fact. "+

Mayor Sastre has also talked about the mining debate in the province and the last meetings. "My vision that the problems should not escape, discuss and know what it is. Many times there are problems that it is easier not to approach and say that it is not out of ignorance. Sometimes, to make a decision, we need to know the pros and cons. And we are in a phase of knowledge to provide all the people of Chubut with the decision we must make. "

" You must know what it is about. There is a great possibility to use the land of Chubut, not at all costs and knowing the benefits and the guarantee of the continuity of the environment, without endorsing a project that would contaminate the environment or the water of the river Chubut "concluded the communal leader.






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