Saudi Arabia Bans 47 Video Games After Suicide of Two Teens


Although the deaths were caused by the infamous challenge of the Blue Whale.

We have already heard of cases where authorities in some countries decide to ban video games because of their violent theme. in Saudi Arabia ( via NY Times).

Following the suicide of a 13-year-old girl and a 12-year-old boy caused by the Blue Whale challenge, the Saudi Arabian Broadcasting Commission General announced the ban of 47 video games including titles such as Grand Theft Auto V, Assbadin's Creed 2 and The Witcher

Although there is no relationship between the challenge viral macabre that leads to children and adolescents commit suicide with video games that are a means of entertainment, the authorities decided to ban them without specifying the reasons.

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<p> We will be attentive to more details about this, but at first it looks like a rather drastic measure considering that it has nothing to do with the "game" mentioned above. </p>
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