Scale dispute in Chuqui: unions respond to Benavides' statements


The chairman of the Codelco board of directors called them "bipolar" and the workers said the said "sharpened the conflict" and "closed the doors."

A new episode marked the conflict that the Chuquicamata unions have maintained until now. Codelco, ad portas of imminent paralysis.

And this morning the workers responded to the statements of the chairman of the state board of directors, who called them "bipolar" after the Treasury announcement of a capitalization extraordinary million

The spokesman of the labor movement of Chuquicamata, Miguel Véliz, declared that the unions No. 1, 2,3 of Chuquicamata and the union No. 1 of Antofagasta declared their rejection comments from the executive.

His unsavory statements denote, first, a profound ignorance concerning what is happening in Chuquicamata, and second, Mr. Benavides ridicules a hellenome Many people suffer l & # 39, using as a caricature to disqualify a trade union movement, "said Veliz.

The leader went even further by pointing out that what happened "sharpens and sharpens paralysis. This completely closes the doors to understand us with Codelco . "

" We hoped that before the arrest Mr. Benavides would call us, but with his statements we have no one to talk to Codelco "[soulignement ajouté]

" As long as M Benavides does not retract or call us directly to speak in Santiago, we will not give in to our position, "he concluded.

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