Scary messages from parents who let baby die


United Kingdom.- At 19 months, little Ellie May lived a hell during her short life, as she was placed in a cradle with electric bars, soggy and beaten by her parents, who abused her. Child having led to his death.

The couple are arrested for the murder of their daughter, found dead in the cradle, the police are described as a cage where the girl has probably lived moments of distress, her body was seriously injured by the electrical contacts received of these bars.

The baby was placed in a crib with electric bars. Photo: illustrative / Pixabay

In the last hours, text messages were sent to parents to show the guilt of the girl's death, as she was found strapped to her bed with ropes around her legs and chest. 19659005] Lauren Coyle and Reece Hitchcott Charged with the Crime of Baby and Jury Says They Deceive of Death and Cruelty to Children of Ellie May

Forensic Pathologists Report That Baby was found upside down and with hyperthermia. following prolonged exposure to heat and moisture.

Below are the spooky texts of the parents, which were the exact proof of the investigation:

Ellie May's mother wrote to her husband: "Stressed by Ellie, she bit for me to put it in her she hit her head against the wall, I hit her a lot, "and later she said," When I get home, I'll fix it, I'll put it in her room. "

There is another text message that shows the mother's hurt, which says "Ellie plays again, I put her in her room". And the man replied, "He will behave well when I go home, haha."

Another message, the woman makes fun of the girl and her desperation to get out of this cage and tells her partner that the girl she was "so stressed" that she wanted to jump on a train.

The years that will remain in prison have not been revealed, but the death of Ellie May shows the infantile cruelty that may be experienced by many children in the UK.

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