SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | Do not miss it! The longest blood moon of the century arrives in July


The longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century will take place on the night of July 27-28 this year. The inhabitants of our planet will have the opportunity to observe the phenomenon called moon blood or bloody moon for one hour and 43 minutes, informs the EarthSky portal.

According to the article, the total eclipse will be preceded and followed by a partial 1 hour and 6 minutes each. Therefore, the show will last 3 hours and 55 minutes, while the Moon pbades through the dark shadow of the Earth.

For a lasting lunar eclipse to occur, our satellite must cross the central part of the shadow. of the earth.
In 2018, the full moon and the lunar climax of July – its farthest point from Earth in its monthly orbit – fall on the same date. Therefore, the farthest and smallest full moon of the year is produced which, of course, will take longer to cross the Earth 's shadow.

In fact, the longest total eclipse of the twentieth century (1901 to 2000) C arrived July 16, 2000, with a duration of 1 hour and 46.4 minutes. Then the center of the lunar disk aligned almost perfectly with the center of the Earth 's shadow.

The longest bloody moons took place in July, as this month the Earth moves to its furthest point from the Sun, where the planet's shadow reaches its largest size. ;year.

To find out what time it will be possible to contemplate this year's blood moon in a specific city on the planet, you can check the Time and date web page. To do this, simply enter the country or locality in the search box on the left.

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