Scientific studies | After 105 years, it is "more likely" to survive | Trade | Technology and science | Science


A study of mortality in almost 4000 centenarians Italians support the idea that man would reach a mortality plateau after 105 years, according to the results published Thursday in the journal American Science. 19659002] This work tipped the scales, according to its authors, to those who believe that man did not reach its maximum duration of life, an old debate between scientists.

An article published in another important article The scientific journal, Nature, in 2016, postulated, on the contrary, that the maximum longevity was already identified and had been reached with the record belonging to the French Jeanne Calment, who died in 1997 in France. 122 years old

(You can access the HERE study)

The researchers in this study had pointed out that the deans of humanity died around 1 15 years making it s The presumed limit would be

Even in countries with good vital statistics, the data rarely allow for the study of these mortality rates for each age and individuals Elders are often grouped into bands

. The authors of the study published Thursday in Science, including Elisabetta Barbi of La Sapienza University in Rome, have established a meticulous database, with the help of the National Institute of statistics in Italy, of all the inhabitants who were over 105 years old between 2009 and 2015, which turned out to be 3,836 people. It was mostly women: 78% of the total.

"We have shown that the mortality rate, which exponentially increases until age 80, then begins to slow down and reaches or approaches a These results "strongly suggest that longevity continues to increase with time and that a limit, if it exists, has not yet been reached." [19659008Thisphenomenonofplateauatextremeageshasbeenobservedinotherspeciesbutthisevolutionaryfeatureremainslittleknown

Source: AFP

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