Scientists answer: Are we alone in the Universe?


Something we all asked ourselves about more than one occasion is whether we are alone in the Universe? and the more you think it, the more absurd it is to believe that in this infinite place we are the only ones. Given such a question, there are many answers, but it may be in the religion and science that we gave the answer.

SEE MORE: Here are the incredible benefits that your body receives by eating mango. 19659004] Scientists answer, are we alone in the Universe? – Image 1 "width =" 800 "height =" 400 "data-srcset ="×400/ -el-Universo.jpg 800w,×400/×157.jpg 313w, https : //×400/http: //×384.jpg 768w, unsafe / 800×400 / http: //×300.jpg 600w,×400/http://cfmx01 / 2018/06 / solos-in-the-Universo-495×248.jpg 495w "sizes =" (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px "/>

Although religion suggests that we are the only ones in the Universe, science on the other hand has interesting approaches such as "The Fermi Paradox" which contemplates the possibility that in the world it is possible to do so. Universe There are several civilizations besides the human Now again, it is a question: are we alone in the Universe? He returned to make noise among contemporary scholars of science

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And the answer was resounding: Yes, we are alone in The Universe C is what three scientists from the prestigious Oxford University in the UK, who decided to apply mathematics to know the real probability of the "I", said. existence of extraterrestrials, and the answer was practically nil. This should not cause us sadness, on the contrary "we are a miracle" since the probabilities (mathematics) that there is no life outside the planet earth are 85% … woow! After all, maybe God exists …

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