Scientists discover a link between the origin of galaxies and the creation of black holes


Research points out that the origin of a certain amount of supermbadive black holes would be related to the collision of galaxies.

We know that there is a supermbadive black hole in the center of the Milky Way. In addition to the troubling fact that it is in our spatial neighborhood, we do not know much about how it went or how it was created. In fact, still keeps a mystery around these black holes of such size in galaxies like ours

An international scientific team among which Chilean researchers have just discovered something revealing about it . According to the group, the existence of supermbadive black holes is due to a phenomenon between galaxies. Specifically: the brutal clash between two of them .

The paper published in Nature makes public the conclusion after 20 years of observations made with telescopes such as Hubble or Keck and the X-ray observatory Neil Gehrels Swift

The astronomer of the The Institute of Astrophysics of the Catholic University, Ezequiel Treister, explained what this study consisted of:

We found that nearly 20% of the fast growing black holes AGN) are badociated with the later stages of the collision process. galaxies. That is to say a little before they merge and form only one and gigantic black hole . "

In other words, it is thought that a number of supermbadive black holes owe its existence to the shock of two galaxies . This would occur when the two galactic nuclei would join in one big black hole

The process would proceed as in the following computer simulation: for three billion years, the two galaxies would come together and collide to form only one element , it is compared to a real photo of the Swift-BAT X-ray telescope.

Treister underlines the big questions that this research is trying to solve:

"Thanks to these works, we are today closer to solving two great riddles of astrophysics: how were formed the galaxies and how the supermbadive black holes that live in the center of them grow, and more importantly … why the two processes are linked . "

This study is very useful in determining what will happen in We already knew that the Milky Way would conflict with Andromeda in the future. We can therefore expect to see the same simulation process that we have just seen .

the research concludes that darkened black holes, ie those covered with materials such as dust and gases from galactic fusion, are more likely to participate in this type of dynamics [19459007"Thecollisionofgalaxiesisanessentialmechanismtomasktheseprocesses" said Claudio Ricci, astronomer of the University of Diego Portales University of Astronomy, who is also part of the team working.

is to understand how it happens that the feeding and growth of these black holes occur during the collision process of two galaxies and how the interaction takes place with the galaxies that harbor them.

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