Scientists discover new species of dinosaurs in the United States | news


Scientists discovered a new breed battleship dinosaur located in the state of Utah, in the western United States United States ( USA ), according to the study published this Friday.

The remains of the animal were found in 2008 and after years of updating, observation and investigation; Specialists at the Utah Museum of Natural History determined that it was an "Akainacephalus johnsoni" of the Ankylosauridae (Ankylosauridae) family.

SOURCE: Reuters

They also specified that the skeleton corresponds to the Cretaceous period, about 76 million years ago. The dinosaur was herbivorous, about five meters long and was covered by armor of bone plates.

The study also revealed that the animal had a greater similarity with species that lived in Asia than those existing in America, said research authors, Jelle Wiersma. The remains are on display at the Museum.

"The bulk of the ankylosaurid armor in North America is relatively flat, but (Akainacephalus johnsoni) has a very pointed and bulbous armor all over its head, which makes it unique, "said Wiersma

. On the other hand, he claimed that this new species was evolving vis-à-vis his Asian parents, since it would have adapted to the habitat of the American continent instead of moving from one country to another. from one place to another, migration that lasted for hundreds of thousands of years.

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