Scientists say that life expectancy can extend up to 142 years


New scientific research has shown that the aging process can be modified . This is confirmed by the researchers, who have almost doubled the life expectancy in animals using drugs or therapies that alter caloric intake, reported the newspaper La ​​Tercera

Chilean media, a study published in October of 2016 in the newspaper Nature determined that the human being could live 117.9 years and that it was the age limit . However, new studies have indicated that children born today could live up to 142 years by applying therapies that are still tested on animals, as stated by The University of Texas at United States ] In 2015, where the mouse "UT2598", whose average life is 2.3 years, lived for four years.

Old age could be modified

The director of Center of Pregnancy, Health and Metabolism (Gero) Christian González, explained to the newspaper La ​​Tercera that if the effects of aging can be delayed all diseases that age as the main can be delayed risk factor, including cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, among others.

"Medicine was wrong in the approach of aging.The disease is treated in response to the patient, but when this person is already sick, it only prolongs the poor quality of life. Alzheimer's disease, that's because this disease started in your body at least 20 years ago, "says Claudio Hetz, also a researcher at Gero

Therapies to delay aging [19659007] can delay this aging to its origin in a bacterium from Easter Island .This is a derivative of rapamycin but without the side effects of this drug, which is used as an immunosuppressant in transplant patients and also for cancer

The California Buck Institute of United States developed a derivative of this bacterium called "rapalogues" . he has pe to prolong life by 15%. "It means that children born today can live up to 140 years," says Hetz. The same molecule is tested in Chile in preclinical models of Parkinson's and then in Alzheimer's disease and aging. "In less than 10 years, it should already be on the market," he says.

Gero's director, Christian González, said that beyond therapies, it is essential to change eating habits, lifestyle, exercise, be stressed "We know that everything it helps us to age better. "

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