Scientists test Einstein's theory with neutrino arrived in Antarctica


One of the theories that Albert Einstein proposed during his study of the Universe is the constant that all scientists who are dedicated to studying the cosmos with respect to the same laws of physics, whatever the context of reference, should always observe. the object moves at a constant speed

This postulate, also called Lorentz's Corentience, has been verified by a team of Mit researchers, in collaboration with scientists who exploit the IceCube experiment in Antarctica that detected this neutrino in September. last year after a trip of 3.7 billion light years.

With these data, and the information collected by the center at the South Pole for two years, researchers, led by Mit's physics and academic doctor, Janet Conrad, used neutrinos to verify the covariance of Lorentz.

In the work, published in the journal Nature Physics, scientists rule out the possibility of Lorentz violation in these atomic sub-particles in the high-energy range badyzed.

For this, Conrad's team sought variations of the normal neutrino oscillation that could be caused by the violation of this postulate. However, in the two-year data, no anomalies were found in the detections, which proves that neutrinos behave as predicted by Einstein.

"People like to try Einstein's theories, I do not know if they really expect it to be right or wrong, but he definitely won this opportunity and it's somehow, incredible, "commented after revealing his research academic Janet Conrad.


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