Scientists test "vaccine" to stop smoking


In theory, this synthetic enzyme can eliminate tobacco addiction. Let's hope the treatment does not create dependency.

Quitting smoking is one of the most difficult achievements to unlock. In the vast field of addictions, smoking became a serious health problem . But science may be on the verge of finding the ultimate solution.

A research published in the latest issue of the journal Science; reveals the creation of a synthetic enzyme, called NicA2-J1, capable of reducing the motivation and impulse to continue consuming nicotine.

  Scientists attempt to

It's an exciting approach. because it can reduce nicotine addiction without causing other severe withdrawal symptoms.

It acts in the bloodstream and not in the brain, so its side effects would be less important.

This is what is said in Science Daily, Olivier George, member of the Scripps Research Institute in California and project leader.

NicA2-J1 is activated as soon as tests are carried out with laboratory rodents. Nicotine gets into the bloodstream and destroys it.

Thus, the substance does not reach the brain thus eliminating much of the addictive response.

This enzyme mimics naturally present in the body. But NicA2-J1 is designed to amplify its effects.

Human testing would be the next step of this project.

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