Scotland Yard finds the source of poisoning that killed a person in Britain | International


A small bottle found in Amesbury's house of the man who is in serious condition due to poisoning with Novichok, was identified by officials of Scotland Yard as the source of origin of ] nervous agent who has already caused the death of a person

According to police, the Novichok was used to poison the couple composed of Charlie Rowley (45 years old) and Dawn Sturgess (44), died on July 8th as a result of the poisoning.

Rowley, meanwhile, has regained consciousness, but remains in serious condition. Scotland Yard reported by a statement collected by Deutsche Welle that the bottle was found during searches on Wednesday 11 July.

The bottle was transported to the Defense Science and Technology Laboratory in Porton Down, Wiltshire, England for the corresponding badyzes. "After the tests, the scientists confirmed that the substance contained in the bottle is Novichok . More scientific tests will be conducted to try to determine if it is from the same batch that contaminated Sergei and Yulia. Skripal in March, "said the authorities, who are working on this line of research

Where does the bottle come from?

] The British police had already argued that the two intoxicated Britons should have come into contact with a "high dose" of the nerve agent. Police investigations now focus on "where the bottle comes from and how it came to Charlie".

It is believed that the small boat is the starting point of the couple's poisoning, four months after the attack on the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in the English city of Salisbury. 19659002] London accuses Moscow of being behind the attack on the Skripal, largely because the Novichok was manufactured in the former Soviet Union (USSR), but He then experimented in other countries. The Kremlin rejects the accusations and all this has generated a strong diplomatic crisis. More than two dozen countries have expelled Russian diplomats. Russia reacted with similar measures.

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