Searching for boys trapped eight days ago in a cave: they managed to install oxygen tanks – 01/07/2018


Rescue teams managed to approach this Sunday up to a distance of one kilometer from the central cave where Thai authorities believe they were trapped for 12 days by 12 teenagers and one adult, members of the A football team ] in a cave in the north of the country

Aided by the decrease of floods in narrow pbadages that give access to the cavity, military divers have placed tanks of 39, oxygen for a hypothetical operation Twelve players from a team of young people missing in a cave "src =" "data-big =" "data-small =" ” observer=”” data-observer-function=”loadLazyImg”/>

This was the first significant advance after the storms paralyzed the search and rescue operation p several days. The divers, belonging to the Thai Navy, also placed guide ropes along the pbadages

"We will not go back (…) we will continue until we reach what we find them, "he said. the commander-in-chief of the Special Naval Corps, Apakorn Yukongkaew, reported Bangkok Post newspaper

  Rescuers and civilians travel on the road to Tham Luang Cave, where the 12 children were lost. (Photo: EFE / EPA / Pongmanat Tasiri)

Rescuers and civilians head for the Tham Luang cave, where the 12 children were lost. (Photo: EFE / EPA / Pongmanat Tasiri)

Since the warning of Saturday, June 23, about 1300 people have participated in the tasks of search and rescue of children aged 11 to 16 years. years, the members of a football team, and his trainer, 26 in the cave of Tham Luang-Khun Nam Nang Natural Park, in Chiang Rai Province.

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Hopes are deposited in an inner island, called" Pattaya Beach ", in the central cavity of the cave and to which the rescue teams have not yet managed to access.

The divers themselves managed to reach a place known as the third chamber, about two hours from the entrance where they established a base with lighting, extra food and oxygen tanks.

  Thai divers enter one of the entrances to the cave during rescue operations. (Photo: EFE / EPA / Pongmanat Tasiri)

Thai divers enter one of the accesses to the cave, during salvage operations. (Photo: EFE / EPA / Pongmanat Tasiri)

The main obstacle is the many flooded narrow pbadages that the cave has, the fourth longest in Thailand, with about 10 kilometers in length and frequent changes from

The teams use about twenty extraction pumps to reduce the level of water in the most waterlogged parts tasks that were hampered by the rainy weather prevailing in the region, as well as problems Mechanics

  Workers install drainage pipes to try to lower the water level in the cave. (Photo: EFE / EPA / Pongmanat Tasiri)

Workers install drainage pipes to try to lower the water level in the cave. (Photo: EFE / EPA / Pongmanat Tasiri)

Faced with the difficulties posed by underground access, the authorities also follow the dense jungle of the mountain in search of alternative inputs to the cave

Tham Luang is a popular destination for cave explorers, where floods are frequent during the rainy season which usually extends from July to November.

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According to the official version, on Saturday 23 the missing entered the galleries after training, when a sudden storm began to flood the cavity and prevented its exit.

Inside the cave were found bicycles, shoes and other items missing . They also found footprints and handprints.

  Tham Luang Khun Nam Park Nang Noon is a popular destination among cave explorers. (Photo: EFE / EPA / Pongmanat Tasiri)

Tham Luang Khun Nam Nang Noon Park is a popular destination among cave explorers. (Photo: EFE / EPA / Pongmanat Tasiri)

From search and rescue operation, hundreds of people from about twenty Thai government agencies, private companies in Thailand and teams sent by the Australian and Chinese governments participate. Britain, Laos, the United States and Myanmar, according to the New York Times.

Arpakorn Yokongkaew, commander of Thailand's Special Naval Warfare Unit, said that divers were still installing guide ropes. it is easier to cross the darkness of the cave and occasional whirlpools.