Sebastián Piñera: "Denying salt and water is a bad way for Chile"


President Sebastián Piñera reiterates his criticism of the opposition, although he distinguishes between those who face the government "with a constructive spirit" and those who "obstruct" " their work.

President "sent to work" to those who claim a so-called "legislative drought" in Congress the president deepened his point of view on this and clarified who was shooting his darts.

"] I would like to make a distinction: there are areas of opposition that are constructive, collaborative, patriotic with Chile and I appreciate, appreciate and appreciate that attitude , (but) there are other areas – and they know very well who they are – that they have dedicated themselves to obstructing everything our government does " he said.

The President baderted that they are engaged "to stop bills in Congress. type of requirement without foundation in the Office of the Controller, to challenge and accuse the ministers constitutionally. "

" The way of giving up salt and water -which was a path invented by a socialist senator in the 1960s (Aniceto Rodríguez) – c & # 39; is a bad road to Chile ", completed the head of state

Face to face with Quinteros [19659002] Piñera develops this Friday a series of activities in the Los Lagos area, and it is precisely in the middle of one of them that he had a public exchange – half serious, half joking – with the Socialist Senator Rabindranath Quinteros about the so-called "legislative drought."

NOW – Pte @sebastianpinera with the Minister @jafontaine and the Intendant @HarryJurgensen inaugurates the work of Extension of the road 7, sector of the Puelche-Pelluco river, in Puerto Montt, the security and connectivity, for the benefit of thousands of people #ChileLoHacemosAll

– Press Presidency of Chile (@presidencia_cl) 29 June 2018

Between the ribbon cutting from the extension of Highway 7, in the Puelche-Pelluco River area, to Puerto Montt, the president exclaimed: "Let this good mood get to Congress and approve all laws. "]

" When the projects arrive … ", Senator Quinteros responded immediately,

" Look, the plans are there What's going on … Senator, do you want me to tell you about projects? Well, now we are united by the progress of the Los Lagos Region and our beloved country, "concluded the conciliator, the president

Amid accusations of legislative drought, President Piñera and Senator Quinteros coincide in Puerto Montt. Watch the video @Cooperativa (video of the Presidency)

– Patricio Andrade (@expatodelagente) June 29, 2018

In conversation With El Diario de Cooperativa the socialist legislator commented on the circumstances in which this exchange took place, where he also took advantage of the opportunity to issue him a letter

" As he l & rsquo; Said the parliamentarians help to get out the projects – I told him: "Send the projects first, President we will approve the projects once you have sent them", he said

"(Piñera) told him to the public and I, as I was there too, told him that the projects he was saying didn" t say. were not in Congress … it was the reality … It was in relation to the controversy that resulted from his expressions – "that they will work" -; who said that Parliament did not work or take into consideration the projects they had sent "Quinteros alleged.

"I believe that is a disrespect, ] and I say it with pitch (of visions) .I believe that the president must first understand that it is the President of Chile and does not address – or even less – his employees in a company.

Inaugurating the new road to Pelluco at #PuertoMontt I have asked the President that the government take action on rural roads in # Chiloé and subsidy for air transport to #Palena .

– Senator Quinteros (@quinterosenador) 29 June 2018


He also referred during this day to the controversy Senator RN Andrés Allamand [19459005whodeclared "to support that these Dimes and sayings between the Congress and the Executive for the legislative process quickly finish ".

Allamand recommended "that Minister Blumel meets the Senate Speaker, Carlos Montes, and with the Speaker of the House of Deputies, Maya Fernández, for leaves behind a controversy," which he considered "very unconductive ."

For the former Minister of Defense, "it is perfectly possible to agree on a legislative treatment between the Executive and the Legislative . "That's what I consider appropriate; Now, I will not comment on the criticism; I can say that in the case of the Constitution Committee (of the Upper House), which we joined to Senator (PPD Felipe) Harboe, the work was extraordinarily intense and rigorous but I can not For his part, Senator Harboe said that " I think that the president spoke ill-informed because in the Constitution Committee we have J 'worked hand in hand as well as with the Minister of the Interior, as the Minister of Justice, then does not seem to me the form of relationship between institutions. "

" The President of the Republic must understand that he was elected by the citizens and Senators and Senators " reaffirmed the former Under-Secretary of the Interior.

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