Sedes-La Paz confirms 399 AIDS cases


The Departmental Department of Health (Headquarters) of La Paz through the IST / HIV / AIDS Departmental Program led today at the ATRIO of UMSA a Fair to socialize the 39, information on the days of prevention and care of entry to the university, with the aim of avoiding new cases recorded.

The event was carried out in coordination with the Institute of May Lord, the Technical Institute of Education (ITE), Berlin and Santa Rita, in addition to the co-ordination with PROMES, in order to inform and educate university students

For which the fair will continue until Tuesday, July 24, where university students and pbaders-by will be informed of the steps to be taken to prevent HIV transmission / AIDS, symptoms, rapid test and treatment

According to data from the Epidemiology Unit of SEDES La Paz from January to June of the 2018 administration, 399 HIV / AIDS cases AIDS was confirmed in the department, of which 3 1% was recorded in women and 69% in men, among them, groups with a high rate, are those who include ages between 20 and 29 years.

Also 48% of the carriers of the virus are single, 17% are married, 18% live, 5% are divorced, 4% are widowed and 8% are without data.

It should be noted that the human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV / AIDS) Thus, from the management of 2003 to the management of 2018, cases accumulated so far are 4,795 positive cases in the department of La Paz. HIV / AIDS, of which 178 people died of this virus.

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