Selfies were taken during the surgery and ended up being suspended


A surgeon, anesthetist, two instrumentalists and a nurse were suspended for taking "selfies" in the operating room while a patient was undergoing abdominal surgery in Argentina . Tuesday, the health authority of this country.

The photographs of the medical team manipulating the patient's organs by posing in front of the camera were then uploaded to the surgeon's Instagram account.

On one of the photos, one of the professionals rests on the patient's leg to be able to leave her on the photograph

The operation was held at the hospital of San José, in the locality of Capilla del Señor, 90 km north-west of Buenos Aires.

"The doctor is suspended and the rest too, are all under summary" said community health secretary Ricardo Algranati on the TN channel.

"These are pictures for the holidays, for the beach, but not for the operating room," said the official, "of an exemplary sanction" for the professionals.

Algranati considered an aggravating factor The photographs were broadcast on social networks

"These photographs affect the rights of the prostrate and dependent patient, affect the decorum because it shows their organs and the reliability of the Hospital, and publish them is even more outrageous ". The case surgeon Lorena Olguín in the Instagram account from which the photograph was disclosed was suspended with the rest of the team who intervened in the surgery, an internal summary will determine the degree of responsibility of each and the subsequent sanction.

This has greatly affected me, I apologize publicly to the people of Capilla, for having visually offended with these images, it was not the intention of any of us That happened, "said Olguín at the local line Capilla Online

In an attempt to unload the doctor explained that it was not she who took the picture

" I was working , they said 'photo', I looked at the camera instinctively, then I liked the pictures, I downloaded them and it all happened, that it was n & # 39; There is no way to justify it, "he said.

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