Senate votes Wednesday the name of Angela Vivanco to join the Supreme Court


The Special Session to Comply with the Ratification Process of the Executive Proposal will take place between 4:00 pm and 4:30 pm

After June 20, the lawyer Angela Vivanco presented to the Commission the Senate Constitution, the Upper House must vote on Wednesday the executive proposal to join the Supreme Court, occupying the place left by the former Minister Patricio Valdés, and for which the & ministre ministre,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, executive would have sufficient support.

Senate sent the quote to a special session Tuesday at 16:00 for this Wednesday, July 4 and up to 16:30, "in order to proceed to a vote on the proposal of HE the President of the Republic, contained in the Office with which he seeks the agreement of the Senate to appoint Angela Vivanco Martínez as Minister of the Supreme Court, "reads in the call.

The constitutional lawyer was an ica academic in the Catholic Universities of Chile, Development, Los Andes and Santo Tomás in Chairs related to Public Law, Constitutional Law and Bioethics, among other things

On Wednesday 20 Vivanco Martínez expressed his point of view on the judicial system and the position it hopes to access and respond to the consultations of senators on various topics such as the judicial government, the training of judges, the role of women in the judiciary, access to justice, 39 administration of justice for all, relationship between state powers and other oversight bodies, indigenous peoples and access to justice.

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