Senator Navarro Proposes "Bolsonaro Law" to Refer Candidates Spreading False News | National


Alejandro Navarro will propose to the Congress a constitutional reform project so that "whoever aspires to accede to the legislative elections by distributing false news on social networks on the Internet or messages in election, do not continue in the race. "

The bill, which the legislature has described as" necessary reform to safeguard democracy, "is intended to cover candidatures to the presidential, parliamentary, municipal or regional . "when he is responsible for disseminating false news concerning election candidates, during the respective campaign." content / uploads / 2018/10 / navarro1.mp3

For Navarro, "this reform will sanction the new way of doing politics that has adopted the Latin American far right who is using Big Data, namely: investigating the preferences of users of social networks on the Internet, then spreading lies and destroying the reputation of candidates of their candidates. "

The false news or false news, are hard to fight, as the senator said," Because voters are left with the first impression. Similarly, the electoral lie has devastating effects on the political debate, because the one who pronounces it will hardly lose heart and it is likely that he will never do it. " 2018/10 / navarro2.mp3

" A President of the Republic must be a leader who triumphs without cheating in the debate political and during the polls . Otherwise, it will win the one who is the most, the one who has more access to misinformation via social networks, the one that engages more political marketing companies to manipulate the information and provide false content deliberately. That does not make living a healthy democracy, "he said.

Why" Bolsonaro Law "?

Navarro explained that this" is due to the disputed way of making the politics of the presidential candidate in Brazil , Jair Bolsonaro who was surprised to have paid through friendly businessmen spreading false news regarding his presidential candidate's candidacy. "

" For example, he was going to distribute a gay kit for 6-year-olds in schools; the photo of a Bolsonaro pro woman badaulted, but who was actually an actress who had an accident; that Haddad defended incest in one of his books or that he would introduce a bill aimed at legalizing pedophilia, "he added.

Navarro reminded of Other examples: "In Mexico, the candidate and former footballer Cuauhtémoc Blanco ] was defamed by a company paid by his electoral rival, who blamed him for the huge cutoff of 39, water in the municipality of Cuernavaca. They invented until the local bishop protested against Blanco, but even the bishop proposed to sue the liars with Blanco, who confessed the electoral strategy used. Cases like this are impenetrable. "

" Something similar happened with Donald Trump accused of using the Cambridge Analytica system, which studies Facebook's user profiles, for their to send fake personalized news in favor of his candidacy, "he said, MP

Finally, he invited:" We believe that there is a decent right to agree on a reform of this kind , and we call for the avoidance of the development of a new corruption, namely the spread of false choices We call Renovación Nacional, UDI and Evopoli to support these reforms in the interest of Chile and our democracy. "

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