Seremi de Salud presented recommendations to prevent mumps or mumps


In view of the new cases of parotitis, Commission Member María Angélica Hildebrandt sent a clear message regarding the preventive measures taken to prevent the multiplication of mumps and mumps cases, which is 521 cases in our region. 19659002] To date and compared to previous years, there has been an increase in the number of cases, most of which correspond to the municipality of Valdivia, and these are men over 15 years of age. let the authority know.

"Among other things, we have adopted a series of preventive measures in connection with health care institutions and universities, which, in addition to the epidemiological investigation of cases, are intended to prevent contagion.We reiterate that mumps, better known as mumps, is a viral disease of which the only reservoir is the human being.It is characterized by inflammation of the salivary glands, especially parotid glands.It is badociated with fever and Although it is a generally benign disease, it must be supervised by a doctor and treated at rest for at least seven days to cope with discomfort and especially to avoid touching a larger number of patients. people, "said María Angélica Hildebrandt.

In the Los Ríos region, the number of cases in 2017 was 52 and in 2018, 521 cases had already been presented to date.

The epidemiological investigation of the cases was carried out.

It is important to stress that parotitis cases must remain isolated, he added.

It is important to emphasize that cases of parotitis should remain isolated. at home, up to 7 days after the onset of symptoms. For more information, you can visit the banner Let's Prevent Parotiditis (Mumps) of the website and follow us on social networks.


The parachute or is an infectious disease with viral and immune prevention whose only reservoir is the human being and which is widely spread throughout the world.
The disease is characterized by inflammation and increased salivary gland volume, particularly parotid glands, badociated with a feverish state.
Its manifestation is usually mild and self-limiting, however, in some cases complications can occur in both children and adults.

Definition of symptoms

  • Symptoms usually begin after 16 to 18 days. infection (but the range is between 12 and 25 days).
  • Fever and malaise.
  • Headache and muscles.
  • Main characteristic: increased volume of salivary glands, usually bilateral. which gives a characteristic appearance to the naked eye

How is it transmitted?

By contact with the saliva or nasal discharge of an infected person (even before she develops the symptoms),

  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Talking [19659012] Contact with contaminated surfaces
  • In addition, the use of utensils such as cutlery, glbades, plates, etc. is a high risk factor that can spread the disease. m Ediar is a strict washing process of all these utensils.
  • Sharing cigarettes, drinking mate from the same bulb and any activity involving the exchange of saliva constitute a potential risk of transmission that should be avoided.

  • Immunization by day (2 doses of triviral vaccine: at the age of 12 months and during the first school year)
  • Frequent hand washing
  • It is also suggested to implement the use of alcoholic gel as a complementary measure. washing hands
  • Covering the mouth and nose with the forearm

TAGS: health

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