Seremi of Salud forbids the spectacle of "hombre bala" in Maipú after a circus accident – National


© SEREMI of Salud   Serem of Salud forbids the show of

The organization of the American Circus has indicated that they can continue to function normally with the exception of the American Circus. aforementioned attraction, since the incident "was due to human error". 19659004] Sebastián Mora


The Serem of Metropolitan Health, Rosa Oyarce, has confirmed the prohibition of exploitation for the spectacle of "ball man" to the l '; American Circus Maipú after the accident

According to the health authority, the circus in general complies with the permits to continue operating, but the gun from which the man fired can not continue to function "until proven capable of acting."

#AHORA For a serious accident of #Balaman SEREMI of the Health RM @OarecRosa supervises the facilities of the "American Circus" and the respect of the Decree 596 of the safety of the work. #RMdeTodos

– Serem of Salud RM (@SeremiSaludRM) July 20, 2018


Luis Felipe Álvarez, director of the closing, detailed that everything happened "by human error" so that does not affect the general organization of the functions.

"We are allowed to continue working we have all Let me remind you that the worker affected, Jaime Almarza Quezada – 40 years – remains hospitalized and Life risk in the Central Posta after undergoing a series of fractures


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