Seremi of Salud in the RM initiates a summary after the inspection by the second phase of labeling | National


The Salud Seremi of the Metropolitana initiated a sanitary resume in service after conducting an inspection for the second phase of the Labeling Regulations which sets stricter limits for the use of drugs. industry.

This summary was made after Senator Rosa Oyarce, along with Senators Guido Girardi and Francisco Chahuán – two of the authors of the law – inspected the packaged goods to corroborate the presence of warning stamps .

During the inspection in two distributors who sell packaged food, were found cereals and sandwiches that were not in compliance with the regulations in force.

Although the products mentioned had seals, they were insufficient according to the new limits, therefore, they had to exhibit more black seals.

In the case of cereals, it was missing the "High in Calories" and in the sandwich situation "Alto en Sodio", which led to the beginning of the sanitary summary of the premises.

Current Margins

In comparison with the previous limits, current margins in solid foods are reduced to 15 grams of sugars (before it's 22.5g), 300 kilocalories (before they were 350kcal), 5 grams of saturated fat (in 2016 there were 6) and 500 milligrams of sodium (previously, the limit was 800), all for 100 grams of food.

In liquids, the reduction is 5 grams of sugar (formerly they were 6g), 80 kilocalories (before they were 100kcal), saturated fats and sodium in liquids remain the same as in the previous standard; with 3 grams of fat and 100 milligrams of sodium, all per 100 milliliters of food.

Oyarce pointed out that " some producers will have to reduce their critical nutrient levels or start labeling with warning labels on products that they previously did not label ".

In addition to the new limits, the second phase of the regulation forbids fully advertising of "high-food" foods from 6:00 am and 10:00 pm in the cinema and TV, although they are not for children under 14 years old. Parallel to this, all "high in" product advertising should contain the message: "Prefer food with fewer warning pads."

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