"Serious breach of probity standards": They suspend to the Mayor of Quinta Normal DC


A complex situation is experienced in the municipality of Quinta Normal, after the second electoral tribunal of the metropolitan area has suspended for two months the mayor-Christian Democrat Carmen Gloria Fernández, for "serious violation of the rules of administrative probity in the "

The charges were brought by IA counselors Natalia Silva Herrera, Hilda Gallardo Landeros and UDI Lorenzo Mora against the mayor, referring to" a significant neglect of duties and a serious breach of the rules of administrative integrity. "

There are several irregularities hanging over the suspended mayor that motivated the decision of the Electoral Tribunal, among them the non-payment of pension contributions "Officials from the Quinta Normal Community Development Corporation, from January 2017 to April 2018, whose amounts totaled $ 140 million dollars, "says the resolution.

In this regard, Councilor Natalia Silva described the event as serious and told El Mostrador that many workers "could not retire because 39, they do not have the contributions paid. I have worked for many years and I have not allowed them to retire, it is very serious.

In this regard, the mayor alleged in his response to the Electoral Tribunal that the failure to pay meets a "long historical deficit" given, in the case of an antecedent that must be considered. "[19659002] Argument refuted by Silva, who in a conversation with El Mostrador said that "it is possible that a large part of this debt will be dragged, I believe that the worst amount of debt corresponds to the period, but the Previous period was his father (Manuel Fernández), so it's finally them, the Fernández, who have committed the abandonment of this debt. "

The decision also emphasizes" voluntary and legal remittances to workers, without knowing them in the respective institutions or persons (compensation fund, beneficiaries of statutory withholdings, General Treasury of the Republic), doing, of a on the other hand, that the beneficiaries become delinquent and subject to possible seizure and seizure and, on the other hand, that the Company is liable for fines and interest. "

In this line, the report states that" it was decreed as a better measure to request the relevant reports of Coopeuch and La Araucana Compensation Fund, receiving the records office 713 sent by the first of the said entities, in which it is reported on November 30, 2017, the Municipal Corporation of Quinta Normal not to register the debts in the institution. "

Silva informs that the Council will meet on Monday, July 23 next at 6 pm to discuss this issue.

Despite the court's decision, in the vicinity of the mayor said that the chief of the building is still in office and waiting for the appeal lodged in front of the same

Irregularities in the School Integration Program June 2014

The Electoral Tribunal's decision also indicates a series of irregularities detected by the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic e for the June 2014 school integration program. "The current account was obsolete until October 2013 and the unused remains, establishing an outstanding balance of $ 295,800,427, which is added to the Deferral balance for 2012, his student at $ 690,670,071.

In this regard, the Monitor maintains that the facts indicated "could have the character of the crime, for which he would send the antecedents to the Judicial Committee to object that, if it is relevant, formulate the respective denunciation. The above has given rise to a complaint lodged by the State Defense Council before the Sixth Guarantee Court. "

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