Sex scandal on Google | Andy Rubin, creator of Android, has been concealed by the company


This scandal on Google has nothing to do with your data, with the security of information or with the leaks of a new phone. No. It is a case of badual harbadment, perpetrated by Andy Rubin, the spirit behind the android operating system, and concealed for years by Google and its CEO, Larry Page

According to The New York Times, half of the investigators investigating involving 40 employees and leaders from Google, this number is ubiquitous.

In 2013, Google combined the administration of the Chrome and Android divisions, and Andy Rubin lost a power struggle in favor of Sundar Pichai, who became Google's CEO. Since 2012 and in the context of the merger of the two Google products, Rubin had an extramarital relationship with a collaborator of the Android division. When this new agreement comes in, this woman decides to end the relationship with Andy, but she fears it will affect her career. They agreed to meet at a hotel, where Rubin pressured her to have her oral bad. The incident ended their relationship, but she waited until 2014 to report it to Google Human Resources, and that's where Google began to investigate.

Shortly after the start of the investigation, Larry Page summons. meeting with Rubin to clarify the terms of what happened and, instead of dismissing him, asked for his resignation by negotiating his departure for $ 90 million paid in increments of 2 millions of dollars a month. A month after what happened, Google awarded Rubin a stock grant worth about $ 150 million. In addition to this payment, Rubin received a first payment of $ 40 million, and an award of $ 72 million paid in two years, for having been removed from the head of the Android Project,

] It is unclear whether the board members who approved the grant were aware of the investigation at that time. What is clear is that this payment of 90 million, previously agreed, hid something.

After going through Google and Android, Rubin developed business incubator projects and strove to return to the big time with a project of its own in the mobile world: The Essential Phone, a sales failure that did not meet the expectations of users who were waiting for the return of the "Father of Android" and his own phone

In August of this year, Andy Rubin discloses Rie Rubin who filed a lawsuit alleging multiple "property relations" with other women during the reporting period. marriage These women, mentioned in the lawsuit, would have received hundreds of thousands of dollars from Andy Rubin in exchange for his silence.

However, the problem is more serious for Google.

Apart from the Rubin case, the Wall Street Journal showed three other cases of directors within Google who had been caught meeting sporadically with lower-ranking collaborators . Google This behavior is not allowed in the Mountain View business. The case of David Drummond who had an extramarital relationship with Jennifer Blakely, is mentioned. After this couple had a child, Blakely decides to clarify what happened to Google. She retired from society, while Drummon is still a director of Alphabet parent company of Google.

Another case is that of Amit Shingal, a senior Google official reported by groping an employee intoxicated. After his departure, Google decided to compensate Shingal and now holds the position of Senior Vice President of Engineers at Uber .

The Google scandal also affects Richard DeVaul, director of Google X who dismissed his duties. hiring Star Simpson, an applicant from the area. According to Simpson's version, DeVaul allegedly forced her to give her a mbadage and she refused. A few days later, he was informed that had not landed the job.

Today, after the publication of these scandals, Sundar Pichai attempts to reorganize his commercial policy on badual harbadment . Referring to CNBC, the current Google CEO claims that his company "had a problem of badual harbadment", a phrase that does not represent, or closely, the 48 layoffs during the last two years. It should be noted that among these, 13 were valuable leaders of the society.

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