Sheila Ayala's crime: the aunt stated that she was not there when the girl disappeared and that her partner refused to testify


Leonela Abigail Ayala (25 years old) and Fabián Esequiel González Rojas (24) were heard for the crime of Sheila Ayala (10 years). years found dead last Thursday in the district of Trujui in San Miguel. The man refused to testify while she decided to speak

The woman declared on the first floor of the maternity Eva Perón de Malvinas Argentinas, where she gave birth yesterday to her fourth son Bien that in principle, he had to testify Monday, he preferred to submit his version to the prosecutor this Saturday Gustavo Carracedo : "He denied the fact, he had said that he was out of the house after his disappearance " he had anticipated Infobae source of the investigation

" It is possible that the man was left alone with the baby and that this is the opportunity he enjoyed. " It would be something that usually happens. The Later Attitude The woman has trouble believing that she did not know what had happened. But it would be different if she discovered after death, "said the same source.

On Thursday, at the time of their arrest, Leonela allegedly confessed to the murder to police officers. reportedly saying that she and her partner were drinking alcohol and taking drugs and that she did not remember how they had killed her niece, however, this statement has no legal value for the case because it was not given in a formal setting

The case González Rojas was different: after meeting his official defender, he chose not to speak.The statement of the man was approved for the 15 in the functional unit of the instruction # 20 decentralized Malvinas Argentinas.It was only there three hours. It was read the charges and it was withdrawn in silence He was transferred to the first José C. Paz police station

González Rojas is charged with the homicide crime homobadual doubly aggravated by treason and because it is a femicide . For his part, Leonela responded as co-author of the aggravated homicide crime for malicious intent .

The two accused will remain in detention. The woman was also informed that the social service would take custody of her children (she is also the mother of two girls ages 9 and 7 and another boy aged one and four years old. month).

version of the investigators

In a document to which we had access Infobae the accusation points out that the accused had elaborated a plan of badbadination of the minor . They committed the crime in their house on the second floor of the "Campo Tupasy" complex. The incident occurred between noon on Sunday 14th – the last time we saw her playing on the patio of her house with a friend – and on Tuesday 16th.

According to the reconstruction of events, Sheila was "strangled in a loop with a leaf" which produced a "mechanical asphyxiation by external cervical compression which led to her death at the following a traumatic cardiorespiratory arrest ". 19659003] "They took advantage of their helplessness, being so young that he could not defend himself against the badault of two people who defeated him in force, adding that the A minor, being directly related to the accused, believed that this attack did not happen and González Rojas abused an unequal power relationship with the victim, "reads the report.

The body was found in a gap between two adjacent walls belonging to the house and a collection plant. waste, where Neighbors tend to throw garbage. This area was collected during the first 48 hours after the disappearance. But the body was only found on Thursday, nearly 17 years .

The badumption is that once the murder ended, the baby's remains would have remained at uncles' homes. In the house, there were elements (garbage bags, nylon, flies) compatible with this theory. Samples taken are being badyzed.

The body was found naked in a bag. Preliminary findings from the autopsy revealed that he had "non-vital" fractures of the anterior right and left post mortem ribs, which would indicate that he was thrown out.

"It may be that the body has been sealed, so that the smell, putrefactive gases, do not come out and that an erect dog does not detect it. When they l? have thrown away, the sack has broken, "he told Infobae a source familiar with the matter.

Forensic evidence reveals no evidence of badual abuse as a motive for homicide. But it is a presumption that is not excluded . "He's not qualified because he's not certified at autopsy, but that's an badumption that we continue to manage," said an important voice in l & # 39; case.

Police sources also claimed that Sheila had tried to defend herself before dying: her uncle had scratched her. arms.

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