Shipments slowed in October and imports accelerated asset-led gains


The type of acquisitions involving trucks and machinery increased by almost 40%. The total has increased by 25%.

A deficit of $ 217 million was recorded in the trade balance at the end of October, according to information released yesterday by the Central Bank.

This is the third negative balance that adds the indicator. , although this time, the scenario is different and not necessarily entirely negative.

Exactly, in contrast to declines in August and September, exports increased by 7.2% last month to US $ 6,566. millions

But, in return, imports accelerated the increase that they had recorded in previous periods.

While the total number of hospitalizations increased by 25.2% to US $ 6,783 million, those for goods intermediaries and capital increased by 28.7% and 39.7%. % to US $ 3,567 million and US $ 1,493 million, respectively.

In the latter case, the increase was particularly welcome, because the supposed area gives signs of investment behavior.

Truck and cargo purchases reached $ 248 million, 34.3% more than a year ago. while mining and construction machinery, valued at US $ 135 million, accounted for more than 200% of those of the same period in 2017.

Thus, purchases of consumer goods have increased 12.7% to US $ 2,128 million, highlighting jumps in mobile phones and TVs, among others.

Copper is present

The increase in exports was led by the industrial sector, whose sales abroad increased by 27%, reaching US $ 2,774 million. The confirmed pulse in salmon sales amounted to US $ 449 million compared to US $ 333 million.

In addition, cellulose and chemicals highlighted by similar figures

Exports of agricultural products also played a favorable role in the overall figure, which reached $ 283 million last month – very determined by the fruit – which represents an increase of 1 6.5%.

The disturbing note is that of copper exports, which added a third month of decline. It reached 3.155 million US dollars this time, or 6.9%.

This occurred in a scenario where the price of copper on the international market was 2.75 US cents per pound, According to official records, 7% less than a year ago

This year, the decline was 15%.

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Lithium shipments fly away … but they are nothing next to the copper

With the explosion of electromobility in the world, the lithium is in fashion and has made Chile a major player in this market, given the existing reserves in the North.
Analysts agree that global demand will skyrocket in the coming years due to the anticipated sharp increase in electric cars and increased consumption of mobile phone batteries, in which lithium plays a fundamental role.
boom is that between January and October Chilean exports of the product it has risen by 30% to reach 805 million US dollars, according to figures from the Central Bank, SQM and Albemarle being the companies accounting for a large part of this figure.
But you have to take everything with its respective weight. And that is that, although lithium steals everyone's eyes, so far, does not approach the king of copper, which recorded only in October sales abroad for 3.155 million U.S. dollars. shipments amounted to US $ 30,351 million, that is, lithium exports accounted for 2.6% of total copper. Will lithium ever be equal to copper?

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