Shooting at Bajos de Mena: the presenter tells the minutes of tension experienced during live shooting


It was noon at noon when Mena Teve's Bajos Facebook began broadcasting live a "Talent Fair", an activity that aimed to show a scene to pre-basic and basic students singing, dancing and singing. performing another type of artistic intervention that they would like to show. Everything was going well in the vicinity of Cesfam Consultorio Karol Wojtyla in Puente Alto, where the event took place until the 19 minute of the show, a shootout interrupted everything.

After hearing the first shot, the host of the event He immediately raised his voice and ordered everyone to leave "below" to stay calm and enter Cesfam . At that time, Melyna Montes (44), the presenter of the transmission via Facebook, said in the first place "that there is a shootout and that we will protect the children so we can enter the office ". According to his story, at Villa Pedro Lira, filming continues.

"It was a tense moment, but I worried a lot more for the kids, so we helped protect them," he told Publimetro. In fact, the recording shows how Montes said to a student: "Come, come in, enter."

And although the recording shows how many adults are scared, Melyna puts the quota of calm at the shelter. "We had a responsibility at that time: to transmit the calm to the parents who watched through their screens, their children participating in this activity, we had to give them a sign of calm," he adds.

. Once placed in a safe place, he dedicated himself to distracting those who were still strained by the shooting. "We tried to remove them from worries about the interviews and the question of activity, so we disconnected them for a moment and finally calmed down."



A native of Parral, Melyna is 22 years old. living in Bajos de Mena. He was first in El Volcán Street, then changed house a few blocks away, to Cerro Morado. This allowed him to get away from what he showed in front of the screens, as there was a time when, unfortunately, the shootings were a reality for this area of ​​Puente Alto.

"We get used to it, so to speak, in quotation marks, I'm sorry, I'm always sorry that it's happening, and in Bajos de Mena a lot of work has been done on the 66th police station. as well as neighborhood groups and meetings: everything is scrambled when such events occur, it makes me angry, "says the community channel presenter.

In this sense, she asks not to stigmatize the neighbors of Bajos de Mena. " The country is full of students, academics, hardworking and honest people, so we do not have to let people who go the wrong way crush us, people to live well." [19659006] Message to the author of the shots

Finally, he is not afraid to send a message to those who were the perpetrators of the shooting. "One must always look around: everyone has brothers, children, a family, I could have been one of them, the call is to live well. , they do not live alone, your space ends where mine begins, "he says.

Indeed, the carabinieri informed Publimetro that Carlos Antonio Guerra Palacios (30 years old) had been arrested around 12.30 pm on Alberto Valenzuela Llanos street, near Cesfam. He was carrying a 12-gauge shotgun with 2 cartridges that he had ordered for theft. That was not all, I had already been arrested twice: for micro-traffic traffic and theft in supermarkets.

There were no gunshot wounds.

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