Shooting in Maryland: At least 5 dead in "premeditated" attack in the newspaper Capital Gazette


At least five dead and two wounded "committed a premeditated attack" Thursday in a newspaper in Annapolis, capital of the state of Maryland, USA.

The dead are the reporters Gerald Fischman, Robert Hiaasen, John McNamara and Wendi Winters, as well as the sales agent Rebecca Smith

An armed man came in after two hours of the l & # 39; afternoon (local time) in the offices of the newspaper Capital Gazette and

Anne Arundel County police spokesman, Lt. Ryan Frashure, told reporters that the authorities had arrested a single suspect who [traduction] " had some sort of revenge". against the newspaper "and who had already issued threats against him through social networks.

The chief of police of the canton, William Krampf, said that the intention of the suspect was "to cause harm" in respect of a "premeditated attack"

  Capital Building Gazette Copyright image GETTY
Image caption Approximately 170 people were evacuated from the Capital Gazette building.

"It looked like a war zone ", Phil Davis, a journalist of the Capital Gazette told the newspaper Baltimore .About 170 people were evacuated from the area.

"I do not know why it stopped," said Davis, who, along with other employees, said he was "safe." is hidden under his desk while the man was firing. "You do not know how much i It is traumatic to hide under your desk and feel helpless . "

The suspect

After receiving a phone call, the police arrived at the scene in a few minutes, including the pistol was lying on the ground, outside of "its immediate proximity ", said a county official to CNN

Various US media such as the Baltimore Sun and the same Capital Gazette claimed that police sources identified the detainee as Jarrod Ramos, a 38-year-old local resident .

  A policeman at a press conference Image GETTY
Image caption Police denied that the attack was related to acts terrorists

Ramos had denounced the newspaper and a former editor in 2012 for defamation after q This one published an article in which he said that in a lawsuit, Ramos had pleaded guilty to harbad a woman on Facebook.

The court ruled in favor of the newspaper in 2015.

After the attack, the police increased the security in other media in the country. President Donald Trump tweeted, "My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families."

Jimmy De Butts, editor of Capital Gazette said in a tweet that he was " devastated and heartbroken."

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